Spike Series – Business and Entrepreneurship

CollegeAdvisor.com (formerly Bullseye Admissions) presents its spike series webinar on Business and Entrepreneurship in a 60-minute webinar and Q&A with a Bullseye advisor. Our presenter will share their insider perspectives on how to develop an application spike in this area and how they applied successfully to colleges with this spike. Come ready to learn and bring your questions!

Date 10/22/2020
Duration 58:43

Webinar Transcription

2020-10-22 Spike Series – Business and Entrepreneurship

[00:00:00] Hi everyone we’re going to wait about a minute for everyone who plans on joining us to join us. Although we do expect some people to trickle in, so just hang tight and we’ll get started momentarily.

Perfect. So we’re just gonna wait about 20 more seconds for more people to trickle. So get pumped for the Business and Entrepreneurship Bullseye webinar. So just for a little bit of context, my name is Matthew Kell. And I am currently on a [00:01:00] gap year and I will be going to Stanford university.

To orient everyone with the webinar timing, we’ll start off with a presentation. Then answer your questions in a live Q&A on the sidebar. You can download our slides and you can start submitting your questions in the Q&A tab.

So just for some general context, as I already mentioned my name is Matthew Kell and I founded about two businesses. They’re not super, super large, but for a high school or in the college admissions process, I made them seem very significant because they were very significant to me in my time in high school.

So the first business I made was Maverick debate, which is a debate camp for a lot of students in the Houston area. We held it [00:02:00] for around, when I applied, we had held it for four sessions. And it was a week long event. It was really fun. We did it at a nearby church and it was just like, it was really a really interesting experience because it wasn’t really, that was my first time, like dip my toe into entrepreneurship.

And I made, I like started something just from an idea stage to this is actually happening and I have to teach them about 40 12 year old in an hour type. So it was a really dense time commitment during the weeks I did it during the weeks, I didn’t do it wasn’t as dense. So it was very much a summer business impulse learning.

On the other hand, it was a much larger time commitment. It was it’s about 10 hours a week for about 36 weeks a year. So my businesses have been featured in the Huffington post. Some of my work has been featured in the New York times. And people magazine. So we’re going to be talking a [00:03:00] little bit about how to get recognition for the work that you do.

As well as a lot of really amazing a lot of, some other advice, just to make sure that even though you might not have a million dollars in sales, your business or entrepreneurial endeavor is still significant. So I’m Matthew and we have lovely tests here for Texas hoard. So feel free to message me or her if you have any tech issues throughout this presentation.

Before I get into before I get into specifics, I really want to know more about all of your involvement. In business and entrepreneurship. So I just started to pull. And the question is how are you involved in business and entrepreneurship?[00:04:00]

All right. We have some business owners. We’d have some people who are involved in entrepreneurship in some other way. We have people who are not yet involved, but very interested. That is not a problem because a lot of impulse learning expansion has happened in light of COVID it’s something that we really brought to the forefront during this current situation.

All right. So we have about 27% start their own business. 43% who are interested and 7% who are involved in some other. That’s a really good distribution. All right. So to talk about some I guess misconceptions about entrepreneurship is that you need to, like in order for your business to matter in terms of college and just in general, your business doesn’t need to be incredibly successful.

You don’t need to have millions of dollars in [00:05:00] sales. You don’t need to have. If you’re selling a product partnerships with really large distributors in order for your business to be important, to be successful and to be an integral part of your college applications. And we can talk about the ways you can differentiate your business from other businesses.

So that’s a really important thing, especially when you’re applying to colleges to make sure that your activities are come across as significant as possible. So you don’t really need to fill a traditional hierarchy. When you are. In your business I see a common misconception, a lot, something that a lot of businesses do, especially when they’re started by high schoolers, is they’re like, oh, I need a developer.

I need somebody in HR. I need somebody in operations. I need a CFO. And honestly you’re just involving way too many people, right at the start before you’re actually able to really sink your teeth [00:06:00] into entrepreneurship, into the. And you’re expanding too fast that you’re involving way too many people, that it’s a logistical struggle for you to really have as high numbers you want.

And there’s really nothing that an HR department, you don’t need an HR department if you’re like a business run by high schoolers. Some misconception that I wanted to talk about that I personally had was that there’s a certain type of person that is. That is built for business. And if you’re not that kind of person, then business just isn’t for you.

And I think that a lot of the times I had this misconception and it took a while for me to unlearn it. And I feel like the best way to show that no other, not businesses for you is to try it into keep doing it. And honestly, it’s never too late for you to start your business. I know a lot of people who started really like their most important extracurricular when they applied to college.

[00:07:00] Was the business that they started their senior year of high school. And it is very difficult if you start late, but it’s not impossible. And the fact that you’re trying to do something and it’s just shows your passion and it’s something that we can talk about incorporating into your essays.

So that’s a way that we can also make, are actually really extracurricular activities seem very significant, even though we might not have the best sales. And the best like traditional markers of success. All right. So some general advice for underclasses specifically. So when you’re writing your resume which is something that could be very helpful when you are applying for potential internships or just so you can know on so somebody that helped me a lot with knowing how I wanted to represent my business on a resume.

Because then I could know what really matters. So when you write a resume, you really want to name your business. [00:08:00] So you’re going to name it something catchy, hopefully something interesting. So the reason why I’m like, that’s the first part, and then you’re going to explain what you did during that business.

So for example, impulse learning, I created an over oversaw and market and online learning Institute for students. 11 through 15 and a tutoring service for ages students ages nine to 18. So what did you do with the next part of your resume? And then you talk about you creating curriculum or you creating prototypes or you creating X generating X amount of money in sales, whatever you did during your business for your business is something that you can talk about.

And even though you might not be a CEO of your business, you might have made it with other people, or perhaps you’re just like you joined on a little bit later that again doesn’t mean that your contribution is meaningless and it doesn’t mean that you don’t have anything to write about, or it can’t be an important part of your resume [00:09:00] because you guys have determined that just by the way that you describe it in your resume, the way that you talk about the business that you were involved in.

What I could talk about was like instructing over 250 students, like in the recognition and impact step of your resume. So this is where you’re able to really differentiate yourself from other businesses, from other entrepreneurs, from other people who are also applying to colleges. You can talk about any numbers you can think of here. So if you’re able to quantify how much sales you’ve had, you can quantify how many people you’ve affected. That’s a really great strategy for showing the impact that you’ve had and not just saying that you had an impact, and that’s really important if you want to tell a story with your application.

So I was later on in this presentation, I’ll talk about the ways that I personally received press and. Something that really was beneficial to me as a college applicant, [00:10:00] but especially even if you’re an underclass, then it’s really important to know how is ever everything is going to come across in a resume because you’re not going to have a thousand words to describe every little thing you did for your business.

You really want to focus on big ideas and you really want to focus on the highlights and the large projects you did, any large impact and recognitions you did. And that’s why, especially when people who are underclassmen are working on businesses, they try to expand way too large, too quickly. And they try to they just focus on one aspect of their business model.

They don’t focus enough on getting recognition or quantifying their impact. They just are still committed to an, a really nebulous, what did you do or, and really nebulous idea for a business. And. A lot of students have really great ideas, but what can help make your business really stand out is showing the impact that you had in your community.[00:11:00]

So for an activity section, I employed a very similar strategy of explaining what you did explaining the, your contribution and explaining the impact. So for instance like for example, like something that I really cared about was putting socioeconomic equity. So even though I was making a business, I still wanted to make a personal impact on my community and other communities that I cared about in this case, it was the debate community.

So like for example, it’s and any of my businesses so far, if you’ve ever it’s like costly a prohibiting factor of your participation, I would have waived your right waived your fees. And I feel like that’s something that you can also do to show that you’re just not another entrepreneur.

You’re actually caring about the impact that you’re making with your business. And that’s really important when we consider when we consider how many people, where we’re actually spending our time doing. Because we’re not just trying to [00:12:00] make as much money for ourselves as possible.

We’re definitely trying to expand our business. It’s in it for the entrepreneurial journey. We’re in it for the impact, we’re in it for the idea. And that can help you come across as much more authentic in your applications to show that you’re just not focused on money because that’s where business people and entrepreneurs get a bad rap.

And you definitely don’t want to come across like that. And hopefully you aren’t like that in your everyday life. That’s a general overview of an activity section, because if you don’t know in your underclassmen, you only have 150 characters to describe your activity on an activity section of your common application.

So some schools will let you submit a resume, which is when you’re going to go into a lot more detail. Like he did, like I did it over in the proceedings. But when you only have X number of 150 characters, you can only really convey a very limited number of ideas.[00:13:00] So that’s something that you can that you should definitely try and work on working on implementing.

And so some general words of advice I already talked about not expanding too quickly. And you shouldn’t try bringing on all of your friends into your business, because then first of all, like it might mess up like friend group. If one person is way more committed to the business than another person.

But also it’s just not the best thing you shouldn’t try involving all of your friends into one project because that does affect that I Nemec of the the relationship. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t do that. For example, for me, I am. Probably one of my closest friends in both of my entrepreneurial endeavors and he really served as my accountability partner.

So especially when you’re creating a business, this person doesn’t have to be a co-founder, but you [00:14:00] definitely want to find somebody who will serve as your accountability partner, because there are a lot of times when it’s going to be very difficult to. So you continue. There’s going to be a lot of times you need to have very little sale.

There’s going to be a lot of time when you don’t have a lot of overwhelming success. It’s the storm before the rainbow type situation. And it’s really good to have somebody, especially when you might not be super motivated to continue to have somebody who’s there rallying behind you, trying to get you to continue trudging forward.

And this is especially important when you are a senior and you don’t have, and you’re like, you’re both very busy. It’s good to have somebody who, when they have time that week they expect you to contribute. And when you have time, you expect them to contribute as well. Because that way you’re actually moving forward at all times.

And whenever you don’t feel super motivated, you’re still moving forward. So I can not shut the importance of [00:15:00] finding somebody who will help keep you accountable to make sure that you create the impact you want to create. And for me, it really important to know your weaknesses. For example, me, I am in high school.

I was so bad at a few hours. So bad. Responding to emails. So I wasn’t exactly the best that I can billing communication with clients. If it wasn’t over the phone. On our website or whatever people would reach out to us, if they wanted to talk over the phone, we would send them to me.

But if they wanted to communicate over email, they would communicate with Andrew. And that was really good because it helped that immensely, that I guess weakness as an entrepreneur. Wasn’t something that was really large, especially like this is just a very specific, very small example, but there are a lot, much larger examples of for example, if somebody has a lot of coding experience that somebody has more marketing experiences, you shouldn’t try involving yourself and every single department, you should acknowledge your weaknesses to [00:16:00] prioritize your time and make sure you are trying to over-manage your team.

So that sort of that’s what, where the advice I would give. But I think another thing is is a lot of people try creating oh, I want to have I want to have. Projects or I want to do so many different projects offer so many different services have so many different ideas and that’s really great.

That’s phenomenal. That’s an awesome position to be in. Personally that was a position. I found myself in all that often, but that was an amazing th that is an amazing position to be in. But oftentimes what I realized myself doing was I tried executing all of the projects at the exact same time. And that was not the best idea because what ended up happening was I wasn’t able to properly execute any of them to the best of my abilities until I just decided to focus on one project for the time being, and [00:17:00] devote my time and attention to the whatever time and attention it took to making sure that was a success, making sure that product was selling, that service was selling.

Cause that way I wasn’t spreading myself out too thin. And. I was doing the best I could to make as much of an impact as possible. So another thing is really important is marketing. So for me, you’re definitely going to have to market your business, make your business very well known because it’s a helps you find press opportunities.

But B it’s also really important if you want to make, generate as much money and have as much of an impact as possible. So for instance, I would do it. I would go into. Middle school mom, Facebook groups, and I would post about his little.

Something else did is that Andrew would mark on wheat. And that’s something that we were able to get a lot of traction on. Some of our businesses was just through spending a lot of time [00:18:00] marketing, not just oh, I have an idea. Levy execute this idea. It’s no, it’s more about letting me execute precise, making sure it’s going to have an impact.

Make me get to know if they’re interested, can get in, which means that they can partake in our service. And so on.

And so for assets. So for me, I definitely bye.

Could I it’s really it’s not, it’s a very smart idea to talk about. Your entrepreneurial endeavors in your essays, because it shows that you are a tenacious person. It shows that you are determined you when you have an idea, you make sure that it’s executed well, it’s implemented, and that’s very important.

That’s very inspiring. However, whenever you’re writing any essays, you never want to restate anything that they can read on their read on your. They’re just being [00:19:00] repetitive. They’re leasing words, help the audience, get to know you better. And that’s what really matters. And if you think that biting about your entrepreneurial endeavors.


So I feel like a lot of people, when they talk about their businesses they oftentimes only talk about oh, I made this business because. One of my friends, because it’s Wharton now comment was all about what the experience like was teaching her his sister ass at one of the, like the centers that he created.

So that was a really interesting ethic because it showed a lot about their relationship. It showed a lot of. His passion for entrepreneurship, but it wasn’t a traditional, I started this, because I saw a need. You definitely don’t want to follow that same structure. Something that can be really interesting.

Y X school slash major essays that I’ve seen in [00:20:00] probably the most interesting why at school slash major essays have been from entrepreneurs. And this is because they can discuss ways that this sort of education or this working with this professor or research. This concept will specifically help them expand their business, expand their impact, extend their reach.

And this is really good if you’re applying to schools like brown, that express interdisciplinarity. So you can make the argument that I don’t just want to focus on my business career because business can’t be defined to one specific major. So you can talk about the other academic interests that you’re interested in that you might hold.

And you can couch it under expanding your business or making you a better entrepreneur, a better business person. So that’s one way that you can help write really interesting, really impactful Y X school essays that are really specific because the specificity [00:21:00] being an entrepreneur and doing that research on that school’s webpage is a very good way to do it.

And especially with your academic curiosity essay, a lot of entrepreneurs need to learn more information in order to write really strong, really powerful essays, or I’m sorry, a launch spinners. You really need to learn a lot of new information to have really profitable, really successful businesses.

And so that’s a really interesting academic curiosity essay, or just general curiosity. What excites you about learning essay? Because. You’re talking about specific problem solving that you did in a very organic way. It doesn’t come across as very inauthentic unless you execute it poorly. That’s something that you that’s a very good sort of thing to keep in the back of your mind when you’re writing essays, but some overarching essay.

You do not want to write about the same topic, multiple essays, the same school, [00:22:00] because then it’s going to be redundant. You lose an opportunity to talk about something else that’s important to your application, but more importantly it just comes across as one dimensional and you never want to come across as one dimensional.

You can talk about different businesses you create, and you can talk about different entrepreneurial endeavors. But if you talk about the same one in different essays to the same school, then you you might run into the person. I have a quick poll. And one quick One quick thing to keep in mind that I wish I knew during my time in high school was knowing about the battling, the large assortment of opportunities available to people who were interested in entrepreneurship.

So experiencing the Gatsby clubs and venture challenge is consistently consist of a purely a bitch a purely a pitch business competition. Starting with the feasibility pit. You, and if [00:23:00] you are selected, you can be awarded a fellowship and this admission to a really interesting summer camp.

So it requires next to nothing to participate in initially. And it’s really interesting because you are actually able to compete for seed funding, which is really great. And if you’re fine who goes can you can actually develop a legitimate LLC. You have a lot of administrative backing.

It’s also a really great networking opportunity. For instance, for me, when I was featured in the healthy compose, it was because somebody referred me or somebody like a reporter was referred to me by a friend I had who who is also an entrepreneur who is also committed to. Business. So it’s a really great time to form really meaningful connections.

And I feel like this is a really great opportunity to do it also, if you like do their summer program which you get what you get to [00:24:00] do for free. If you’re a finalist you get to meet a lot of billionaires, a lot of startup CEOs and you’re actually able to have an opportunity to do research at Stanford.

So the Conrad spirit of innovation is when you form teams of two to five and you develop entrepreneurial solutions to aerospace and aviation, cyber technology, insecurity, energy and environment, health, and nutrition, and transforming education through technology. So you, it does require an adult coach and it does have registration in late August.

So for some seniors that might be a little bit too late. And it is for difficulties is not, it is very competitive and it requires a team of really devoted people to have a good amount of stem knowledge. The barrier to entry to is very low. The next business is future business leaders of America or ELA.

So there’s so many different events in FPLA.[00:25:00] It requires that every requirement is that your school has a chapter and it was called the chapter. There’s a variety of leadership positions, a student chapter models. And usually are, usually requires like a teacher or advisor to start clubs at most schools.

And that’s just something to keep in mind. If you don’t know any teachers like form those connections and perhaps have them write letters of recommendation for you, because they know you’re passionate because they know your interest in the subject. And there are competitions at regional state national level.

And there are like over 20 events in those states. And the difficulty depends on. The the difficulty definitely is very variant on what you choose to do, how competitive that event is in your region, in your city and your state. DECA is also a very semi similar to FDLA and because it’s very event [00:26:00] variety, I have lots of different events, and this is actually really interesting because even if you don’t.

Make your own business, you can still be involved in the business community. You can still show your passion for business and entrepreneurship through more traditional means like Dhaka, like FPLA. And again the competition varies by event by region. So the other one I’m gonna talk about is business professionals of America which is another event based competition with a lot of different opportunities, a lot of different events from information technology, to human resources.

You need a chapter, but it’s also, if your school does have a chapter, you can very easily create one. And that’s something you can say, you can start. And there are national competitions or state competitions and there were regional competitions. So this is a really great opportunity. If your school might already have an [00:27:00] FDLA or a DECA or or you just want to get involved in in a leadership capacity or you want to do as many business competitions as possible.

This is one that not a lot of people have heard about in various regions of the country. So just some other ones that you should look into the diamond challenge. I had a friend who is very involved in that blue ocean entrepreneurship competition the national economics challenge which the actual competition is in the fall, but you can start preparing now as well as the high school fed challenge.

So as these are all going to be shared with you. So you’re going to have an opportunity to. Lou do any more research into these different opportunities to see which one might be right for you. So now we’re going to so now that we’ve wrapped up the presentation part of the webinar I hope that you’ve found this information to be really helpful and remember to down the fly or I’ll be sending out [00:28:00] a link in a little bit in the publication.

For you to be able to access this slideshow later on after this. So I’ll read we’re gonna move on to the Q and a portion of this presentation. So if you have any questions, feel free to message them in the chat. If you can also message them to me, I can post them in the chat. If you don’t have any specific questions, or if you don’t want to you’re you want to ask your question more anonymously?

So we do have one question it’s does your business have to benefit people? Sure. Should it be centered around social entrepreneurship or is doing something like selling jewelry? Okay. Even if it’s not contributing a Glo it’s not solving, addressing the global issue or filling an educational gap.

Definitely these are still very important. It still shows you are very tenacious. The show [00:29:00] still shows a lot about you. If you choose to like use your business to benefit others. That’s great. But if you choose not to it’s that’s totally okay too. There way, like the reason why some people choose to benefit like some, for some businesses, it might be easier to.

Benefit of deep for the benefit of others. For instance, like I’ll admit that teaching kids having one more kid in the room was not had that much difficulty if you’re in, but if you’re making individual products that take 10 hours to make it is a burden to make products specifically for donations, or if you are operating on Breezers and profit margins, then it is very difficult for them.

Perfect. It may be difficult for you to difficult for you to really have that social impact. So remember that you don’t need to have one. It’s great if you choose to vote, but it’s not entirely necessary. The next [00:30:00] question is I want to run a small brick and mortar business. Do you think that college is really necessary?

Also, do you think that high school business is, will become as common on applications? That’s something like an AP class. So I’ll address the second question first. So I think that there are more and more people who are developing, creating businesses, but I’m not going to say this necessarily as normalized, as popularized as AP courses.

Because it takes so much more effort to run a business than it does to take a class. And that you that said when, because there are so many different. Like they’re more, it’s becoming more popular to create businesses as a high school student. You need to do a lot more work differentiating yourself, whether that is through like cross opportunities, whether that’s through networking for more opportunities, whether it’s you trying to sign up for any of the competitions I’ve mentioned earlier [00:31:00] in this presentation.

I think though that can really help you and also focusing on Quantifying your impact should demonstrating how you have how your what impact your did in the past. And it doesn’t necessarily have to be like benefiting people. It could also be about like sales, like we sold X amount of goods, or we made X amount of revenue, something along those lines.

Then just say I started a business and that can really show a lot about you. So I want to run a small brick and mortar business. Do you think that college is really necessary? College might not be forever everyone and. Especially if you are very committed, you might already have the funding to create this business.

You might already have really meaningful connections. You might already have the education necessary to do this. That might be really great. However, I do think that college is really valuable for business leaders and entrepreneurs, to just know more [00:32:00] about running a business, know more about the internal decision-making that goes into running a business as well as Lord.

How more generally about there’s still so much that you can learn about running a business that you probably the that you probably haven’t learned in high school just yet. And there’s still a lot of resources, like books, like mentorship, like creating connections that can really help you create a successful brick and mortar business.

Going to college, even if it is going to community college can help you. Just to, unfortunately it is sometimes necessary to have some credibility when you are trying to acquire funding.

And it’s always good is writing a business. So I would recommend potentially looking into college, but no, that’s not the only option.[00:33:00]

All right. The question, how did, let me paste into the chat? Perfect. How did this fit into your application effectively? So for me, I engaged in a lot of social entrepreneurship, especially I did a lot of, I created a lot of like volunteer projects. I, in addition to the business I made, so for me, so for entrepreneurship, with somebody that I’m, that I was, and still am very passionate.

Cause I do think that this is a pro the private sector does have a very large capacity to enact social change. And I think that a lot of people disregard that when they consider business. And but that’s just my personal, that’s just my personal take on everything. But. The way that it fits into your college applications definitely differs for example, like the person who I [00:34:00] worked with who was my accountability partner.

He did a lot more business entrepreneurial endeavors than I did as an underclassman do use a lot of the stuff I did. I started as an upperclassmen. For him it was, his bike was much more around. Entrepreneurship. Then mine was more about social entrepreneurship but both the very valid ballot and a lot of the experiences that you that comes from starting a business is important.

All those skills that are important for social entrepreneurship and traditional forms of entrepreneurship. Perfect.


What is the best way to make your application stand out in an application to a school with a highly impacted business [00:35:00] major? You definitely want to stand out in your essays. You definitely don’t want to repeat anything that that you’ve already mentioned anywhere else. For example, if you have a really impressive accomplishment it might be you can mention it again, but you shouldn’t restate information that’s already going to be on your resume.

You should try avoiding restating things as much as possible. Because those are words that you could, you better allocate elsewhere. And that’s a mistake that I see. So many people who are businesses who are interested in business and entrepreneurship making, is that. Do they like just restate or they just go the very traditional route when they’re writing an essay and they just tell them, this is why I started my business.

They don’t really discuss the challenges that they experience, that they specific specifically and uniquely faced in their journey to being an entrepreneur. And that’s something that makes for much more interesting. Then being really broad in [00:36:00] your essay, or just talking about why you started for business or exclusively talking about why you started your business.

And another way is to really focus on the different what we talked about and have a very streamlined. Way of every single one of my interviews, I mentioned for example, like Maverick debate. And I feel like, especially when you’re trying to go into business, it’s really beneficial to be able to interview and interviewing well while a skill that comes with some preparations and practice

A really good interview and that can come from practicing. Why you decided to create your business? Why your business matter to you and practice talking about it? No. What points do you want to drive home? During your interview and. That can really help out. And also there’s something known as continued interest letters.

For instance, if you get deferred from [00:37:00] a college or if you accomplish something, and this is specifically for the seniors, have you you’re able to you’re sometimes it’s beneficial to write a letter to a school. You definitely should write a letter to school were deferred from if you applied there early or just your regular decisions.

About updating them on the progress you’ve made and impressive accomplishments, which is why it’s really nice to be in business and entrepreneurship, because then you can talk about how much more sales you’ve had or any expansion you’ve had, or you can talk about any growth you’ve had since the time you submitted your application in November or in October or the end of December.

So that’s just something more generally that you can. Do to help your application stand out.

All right. Do you have any other questions feel free to piece of is the chat. I have [00:38:00] another one here and also. Tests just sent the link to the slides to say webinar which you can access through the handouts tab or the link that they sent. It might be important for you to copy and paste that link elsewhere, if you want to.

If you want to refer back to any of the entrepreneurial opportunities that I talked about. There is another question. I went to run my own small business. What should I focus on in college? So you definitely want to take potentially Pretend like some accounting classes. So even if you’re not going to be running the accounting at your at whatever business you make and it might be something else, you definitely still want to understand what goes on you.

You have to understand what makes a business lucrative. What are the markers of a successful business and strategies that are used to get there?[00:39:00] That’s something that’s really important. But like I mentioned before, it’s also important to look into like other sort of departments and specialized in one specific area that could be very beneficial to do in college.

For example, if you’re very interested in entrepreneurship and computer science, it might be good to explore both. So like taking some if you have a business major in your school, you can also take some computer science classes as well to expand your horizons. If you’re interested. In another form of business for good like data science.

You can also do that. If you’re trying to make an education company, you can take education classes as well as a business classes. So basically going out of your major can be a really great way to show not it’s not to build up skills. That’s going to benefit you in the longterm and help make you a very successful entrepreneur.

And. It’s really good to think through what type of what type of, [00:40:00] I guess other discipline or other like field that you’re interested in exploring in combination with business, because that way that might help you in your school choice for sure. For instance, like the reason why I chose Stanford specifically was because I wanted it to explore, potentially explore computer science.

And I knew that a really great computer science department, and I also knew that they were really flexible in their majors. So if I wanted to do a double major, I could very easily do. So if because I didn’t need to apply to do another school, if I wanted to change majors, I could re I could do so much more easily than at other institutions.

So that might be a methodology through which to make your college decision it’s narrowed down your college list is to know which schools are would best cater to what you’re interested in pursuing as your business. But also, I just want to put a disclaimer out there that like everyone’s plans change when they go to college.

Very few people.[00:41:00] Actualize the plan that they created their senior year or their junior year or their sophomore year of high school. It is very uncommon for that to happen. And don’t feel pressured if you don’t know specifically what kind of business you want to make in the future, or if you don’t have any specific business ideas you definitely can still.

Make a, you can D you don’t need to have everything figured out now. And that’s a really important to know when you are going through these different opportunities. You don’t need to have your earth shattering world changing idea just yet. You have a very long life and a lot more opportunities and a lot more people to learn from and subjects to learn in before you necessarily have to.

I, before you really need to like hone in on what type of business do you want to make and figure that out, what that looks like. All right. I have and other questions.[00:42:00] Let me just paste it here. Okay. Do admissions officers care about the size of your company or the purpose?

So I definitely think that. It’s the size of the company is not necessarily the most important thing. Especially if you started a business such as say your junior senior year, you might not have a hundred person staff, but also just because you have a hundred person staff doesn’t mean you’re actually using them and you’re getting the work done that a four person team or a two person team or a one person team is committed to do.

So it’s nice to have really impressive accomplishments with your business. But that doesn’t necessarily have to come through having a really large business or by being like having everything go. But also I think that the purpose of your business, it’s not the end all be all of your sort of journey as.

[00:43:00] In this and your journey in entrepreneurship. So I think there are other ways to show your passion for the subject either by like perhaps taking a class, if you’re trying to do right to make a computer science startup, taking computer science classes that can also share your passion for business.

But if you’re able to show demonstrate an impact. Or quantify what your business has done. That’s really important. And if you’re able to do that effectively, it doesn’t matter how large your business is because you’re demonstrating the impact that is having in a very well-developed well, fleshed out very impressive way.

So I just wanted to take a really quick break in this Q and a to talk about. Let you know what you can do after this webinar, if you want to develop your college applications with me or any of our other, both advisors. So both I have two different advising plans, the starter plan, and the scholar plan.[00:44:00]

They’re both monthly subscriptions where you get matched with an advisor of your choice and you get one or two hours of one-on-one advising each. As advisors, we work with you on your college essays, shooting schools, preparing for interviews in a lot more. And I’m sending everyone at this panel leaks to get started.

But Actually tests, can you send the link to get started? Perfect. Awesome. The link sent you to our page to sign up and get started. So our students have both, I have a ton of success working with an advisor. This past admissions season, we had a bulls-eye client get into all Ivy leagues and every top 25 school in the country.

And our clients rate us 9.8 out of 10. And that’s because our advisors put in a lot of care into working with you. One-on-one [00:45:00] through every step of the application process. So if you want to discuss one-on-one with them this is a really great to work with us. We’re a greater chance to work with us, especially if you’re interested in how to portray your business and your college application, or if you just want to discuss strategies on growing your business as an underclassman, as a junior in high school, or how to get pressed.

That’s definitely something that me and a lot of other Bullseye advisors can help you with. I will be sending a link into the chat just so you can pull from in after that you can copy and paste and put a different documents later on in this presentation later in your later on after this presentation.

I think we have time for two more questions. And when you’re sending questions feel free to send them in the chat. You don’t need to send them to me directly. All right. So there [00:46:00] seem to be a variety of different programs offered by universities. How does it affect things in the longterm as in getting an MBA? If I’m looking at the, a finance degree versus a business management degree, considering how many careers there are in business, is there a limiting path to follow.

Again, this kind of ties into we don’t need to have everything figured out now I, for one sure. Don’t have everything figured out just yet on, in regards to whether or not I want to pursue an MBA, whether or not I want to go into finance or any, or what specific sector I want to pursue. In addition to, or instead of entrepreneurship, All right.

It’s under the umbrella of business. Definitely miss something that I got something that actually another bullet adviser who’s a senior has said to me was that I found to be really helpful. Was to just know about [00:47:00] the different opportunities, don’t commit to any one specific path.

And instead, what you should try doing is just try being aware of as many paths as possible. And that way in college, you can take a variety of courses to try to experiment on which specific subject works best for you. Which specific career paths might bode well with your passions, your interests, your skills.

And also when you’re seeing what careers potential careers you’re interested in, you’re able to really diagnose specific soft skills or more immediate skills that you should try developing. And that’s something that’s really helpful. But also it’s important to know oh, like what does the life path of somebody who gets an MBA?

What does that look like? What is life path with somebody who doesn’t get an MBA? What does that look like? Just to know what you should be setting yourself up for what you should be expecting in the future. [00:48:00] That’s just one way to discuss. Sorry, that’s one way to handle this really expansive array of opportunities.

It’s just be aware of them. Try some of them out. There’s a lot of clubs at different colleges and universities where you have an opportunity to try them try to experience what it’s like to be in finance experience with to be in consulting spirit, feel what it’s like to be open your own business.

I know you also have a lot of opportunities to intern in college, more than you, more so than in high school, because a lot of Adrian chip programs are tailored to college students and not high school students. For me, it’s important to know what it is like to, what does the life path look like for people who are interested in.

For example, getting an MBA or going into finance, just so I know, what do I need to do? Do I need to have a really high GPA? Do I need to have really high test scores in college? That sort of thing.[00:49:00] And that can also help you choose between applying to colleges with a business school or not applying to school colleges with a specific business school or a lot of undergraduate business opportunities.

You can evaluate how important that is to you at that point. So that is something that is very. In general that’s really helpful to know. So does anyone else have any more questions?

All right. Perfect. More generally That is, we’re nearing the end of our webinars today. And I one had a really great time. Talking to you all about a spike in business and entrepreneurship. And I hope this webinar was helpful to you as I hope. And I hope it helps you feel as a little bit more prepared in your [00:50:00] college applications, whether it is through resume writing, whether it is through demonstrating the impact of your business or whether it is figuring out.

More broadly what what life plan you should take or what you should do now to prepare for it. We’ll just keep this information up just in case you missed it earlier on here’s some info about me if you missed at the beginning if we didn’t get to your questions make sure to send out a feedback form.

And we’ll be able to later this evening where we will be able to answer some additional questions. And if you like find anything that you want to discuss with me, one on one about, or like from my bio or anything along those lines, feel free to reach out. Just so I can help you through the college process.

So please give us feedback on and let us know how we can improve our webinars. So our next webinar will [00:51:00] be tomorrow. And it will be another spike SAS series on on student government. Ignore the business and entrepreneurship it’s on student government. Along with that, our entire October series is linked can be seen right here.

And it’s also on the website. You’ll get directed to when you leave this session. Thank you so very much for coming out to tonight’s panel. I hope you all stay safe and best of luck on all of your applications.

All right, bye.