Johns Hopkins University

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Johns Hopkins University Ranking

College rankings can be helpful as you apply to college. You may use US college rankings to help decide which schools to apply to, or even which one you’ll attend. Below, we’ll explore what the Johns Hopkins University rankings mean and how you can use them in your college search

While a Johns Hopkins ranking can be a helpful part of your college application process, don’t base your decisions solely on a college ranking. Without a doubt, college rankings are important. However, they are not the be all and end all. The Johns Hopkins ranking are one data point among many as you research the school

Below, we’ll explore the Johns Hopkins ranking in Forbes, the Johns Hopkins University ranking in U.S. News, and the Johns Hopkins ranking in the Wall Street Journal. You’ll see how each of these Johns Hopkins rankings differ depending on the source. Then, we’ll explain how to interpret university rankings and where to find reliable college rankings. Finally, we’ll see how the Johns Hopkins ranking compares to the Harvard college ranking.  

Is Johns Hopkins a top 10 school?

The Johns Hopkins University ranking in U.S. News is #9 in National Universities. The U.S. News college ranking lists also have John Hopkins ranking as #13 in Best Undergraduate Engineering Programs. The Johns Hopkins ranking is also  #16 in Best Value Schools. 

Each of the Johns Hopkins rankings in U.S. News will play a role in your understanding of college rankings in general. However, there exist other sources for Johns Hopkins University rankings as well. 

Forbes and the Wall Street Journal are two more great resources for college rankings. The Johns Hopkins ranking in Forbes is #11 in Research Universities. The Johns Hopkins University ranking in Wall Street Journal is #9, similar to the Johns Hopkins ranking in U.S. News. 

Another Johns Hopkins University ranking in Wall Street Journal is #2 for Top 10 Private Colleges in the South. In general, there is a bit of variation among the Johns Hopkins University rankings. Depending on whether you look at the Forbes college rankings or the U.S. News college ranking, you’ll find a college ranking that differs by over 20 places.  

Additionally, look at college rankings by program. For example, the Johns Hopkins University ranking in U.S. News for their Bloomberg School of Public Health is #1. It is therefore important to look at the Johns Hopkins rankings specific to your major, as well as the general Johns Hopkins University rankings. For more information on Public Health majors, click here.  

We’ve now provided a brief overview of the Johns Hopkins University ranking in Wall Street Journal, the Johns Hopkins University ranking in U.S. News, and the Johns Hopkins ranking in Forbes. For more US college rankings, check out this article. And for more Forbes college rankings, beyond the Johns Hopkins ranking in Forbes, look here

What is Johns Hopkins ranked in the world?

The US college rankings for Johns Hopkins may vary by source. However, the Johns Hopkins University rankings clearly indicate that it is a good university compared to other U.S. schools. 

Despite this, you may be wondering how the Johns Hopkins rankings compare to international college rankings. Globally, the Johns Hopkins ranking is #19

With such a high Johns Hopkins University ranking, you may wonder what your chances of getting into Johns Hopkins are, in light of. Well, the acceptance rate is 7%. View a list of college rankings by acceptance rate here

Interpreting college rankings

We’ve just explored a lot of different Johns Hopkins rankings. So, what do they actually tell you?

Well, you can read an in-depth explanation of college rankings here

In short, there are a number of different well-known organizations that have been making US college rankings for years. These include U.S. News, Forbes, and the Wall Street Journal, among others. Use these college rankings as a reference point when you begin your college search. 

College rankings can be helpful to a point but don’t take them as the final word. Instead, check multiple sources, and do your own independent research about any school you’re interested in. Alongside research about a school’s college rankings, we suggest you check each school and department’s website and keep a detailed college list where you record everything you find. Comprehensive research will complement college ranking information and help you craft a strong, well-balanced college list.

Since there are so many qualified college ranking sources out there, such as U.S. News college rankings, Wall Street Journal college rankings, and Forbes college rankings, you would do well to cross-reference. 

Finally, remember that there are many top schools with a high college ranking. To find the best school for you, research lots of factors alongside college rankings. 

Where to find reliable college rankings?

As we’ve mentioned above, some of the top US college rankings organizations are U.S News, Forbes, and the Wall Street Journal. As you look at each U.S. News college ranking, for example, do your own research outside of these rankings lists. 

Also, remember that no college ranking list will be completely objective. There is no one way to determine the best college out there. Furthermore, the best college for one student will be totally different from the best college for another student. Don’t use the college rankings to assess a school’s ability to meet your unique needs.

For example, a student seeking a strong engineering program may have a different college list than a student interested in a liberal arts college. In addition, there is a U.S. News college ranking list for both of these types of schools (view the engineering college ranking here and the liberal arts college ranking here). 

Is Johns Hopkins better than Harvard?

Harvard University is often found at the top of both national and international college ranking lists. So, how do Johns Hopkins ratings compare to the Harvard ratings? Well, it depends on which college rankings you look at. 

Let’s look at a few U.S. News college rankings lists. As we mentioned, the Johns Hopkins University ranking in U.S. News is #9 in National Universities. Comparatively, Harvard comes in at #3 on that same list. 

U.S. News also has John Hopkins rankings as #9 in Best Value Schools. Harvard, however, falls at #1 in Best Value Schools. So, although Harvard comes in a bit higher numerically in U.S. News college rankings lists, both schools are highly ranked and offer a great education. 

Whether you should attend Johns Hopkins or Harvard doesn’t depend on the Johns Hopkins rating or Harvard rating. The school you attend should be one that meets your college needs, educationally, socially, and financially. So, do research beyond the Johns Hopkins University ranking and other U.S. college ranking lists to find the best schools for you. 

Johns Hopkins University Ranking: Final Thoughts 

We’ve now given you an overview of the Johns Hopkins University rankings in Forbes, U.S. News, and the Wall Street Journal. So, you should have a better idea of what the Johns Hopkins University ranking is and what it means. . 

As you explore the college rankings more, check out some more of our resources on topics like your dream school and acceptance letters too. 

For more information on how to get into Johns Hopkins, check out our guide. Finally, if you’re writing your Johns Hopkins supplemental essays, read our targeted advice here.

Johns Hopkins Admissions

Acceptance Rate 8%
Acceptance Deadline January 3

Johns Hopkins University Tuition

Average Cost* $23,428
Average Total Aid Awarded $59,040
Students Receiving Financial Aid 53.61%
*Average cost after financial aid for students receiving grant or scholarship aid, as reported by the college.

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Johns Hopkins University Academics

Student Faculty Ratio 6:1

Johns Hopkins Majors

Most Popular Majors
  • Public Health
  • Neuroscience and Neurobiology
  • Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering
  • Economics
  • Cellular Biology
  • Information Science
  • Mathematics
  • International Relations
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering

Johns Hopkins Online

Offers Online Courses Yes

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Johns Hopkins Students

Full-Time Undergrad Enrollment 6,132
Part-Time Undergraduates 469

Johns Hopkins Alumni at Collegeadvisor

Johns Hopkins University

Hi! I'm Katalina and I am a graduate of Johns Hopkins University, where I studied Psychology, as well as Marketing & Communications, Entrepreneurship & Management, on the pre-medical track. A little bit about me… I'm originally from the NY/NJ area but have recently moved to the South. I love basketball and music; I played basketball very competitively for most of my life. I also play piano and guitar and love songwriting in my free time. I am very passionate about higher-education accessibility for all that are interested and want the opportunity to continue their education. For that, I am very grateful to be given the opportunity by to be able to share my experiences and knowledge I have gained about college and the admissions process. It can be very overwhelming, and I want to be that guiding hand that can help you find the school that is a perfect fit for your aspirations. In my experience, I found that the college application process is a job within itself. It is a hard and challenging process. During my undergraduate years I helped many students informally with their applications, whether I was simply offering guidance or helping read over essays. In my freshman year, I participated in Blue Key Society at my school as a tour guide and "coffee chat representative", where I helped students gain a better understanding of Hopkins and what everyday life was like. I was able to connect with prospective students through various visiting days, where I offered 1-on-1 guidance. This is where my passion and drive for helping students began to blossom, as I realized I was not alone in my experience of finding the application process daunting. My goal in my advisory role is to provide a personalized application experience, with an empathetic and open mindset, by fostering a collaborative relationship, tailoring my guidance to suit individual strengths, aspirations, and unique qualities. I want to tell your story and help you show the admissions officers what makes you, you! Whether it's crafting compelling personal statements, strategizing application approaches, or providing insights into college life, I'm committed to being a supportive and knowledgable resource. The decision to apply to college is an important decision and has the ability to have a profound impact on your future. I am motivated by the opportunity to make higher education accessible to all passionate individuals who aspire to broaden their horizons. I want you to succeed, and will do my best to help you find the school that is best for you.

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Johns Hopkins University

Hi everyone! My name is Anya and I graduated from Johns Hopkins University in May of 2022 with a Bachelor of Science in Molecular and Cellular Biology and a minor in Leadership Studies. At Hopkins, I was on the varsity women's tennis team, president of my acapella group, and co-president of the student-athlete advisory committee. Additionally, I was a chair in the Johns Hopkins Model United Nations Conference, a sorority sister in Alpha Phi, and in honor societies including the Order of Omega and TriBeta National Biology Honor Society. Finally, I was involved in biomedical research and heavily invested in the college careers of over 50 freshmen as a teaching assistant in courses including introductory chemistry, chemistry lab, and oral presentations. In these positions, I have had the privilege of engaging with students from diverse backgrounds, each with ambitious goals and compelling personal narratives. Having gone through athletic recruitment and both college and medical school applications, I hold a deep appreciation for mentorship and the means through which it facilitates an easier navigation of a convoluted application process. I am so excited to meet our enthusiastic students, help them conquer college applications, and see them achieve their goals!

Princeton University

Hello! My name is Nathanael, and I graduated from Princeton University in 2022 with a degree in International Affairs and Public Policy. I am pursuing a Masters in Public Policy (MPP)at the University of Oxford in England and will be headed to Harvard Medical School in the fall. In addition to exploring different academic disciplines during my time at Princeton, I also worked as a tutor, academic advisor, and college counselor. I tutored Organic Chemistry and Introductory Physics, and I served as a learning consultant and held weekly one-on-one consultations with students to help them develop personalized learning, time management, and exam preparation strategies. Lastly, I worked with various college access programs and helped numerous students gain admissions to schools such as Princeton, Cornell, and Johns Hopkins. I can't wait to help you navigate the college application process as well and support you in any way I can!

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Johns Hopkins University

Hello and welcome! I'm Natalie, a dedicated Senior Advisor with a passion for guiding students through the transformative journey of higher education. I graduated from Johns Hopkins University in May 2023 and currently hold a full-time position at Emory University, where I continue to learn more about the academic world. My journey in advising high school students began in the summer of 2020 when I, alongside fellow alumni from my high school, founded Brentwood Alumni College Coaches. This initiative was born out of our shared recognition of the need for personalized support in the college admissions process within the Brentwood Free Union Free School District in Brentwood, NY. As a first-generation, low-income college student myself, I deeply understand the challenges of navigating this crucial phase without adequate guidance. During this program, I had the privilege of mentoring two students who successfully enrolled in Johns Hopkins University and Stony Brook University. Inspired by this experience, I joined Matriculate during my undergraduate years, a national nonprofit organization that virtually connects high-achieving, low-income juniors and seniors with highly-trained undergraduate advisors. My role as an Advising Fellow allowed me to empower students to attend colleges where they would thrive, such as New York University and Cornell University. In addition to advising, I took on the responsibility of a Working Group Lead, facilitating monthly meetings to discuss the college advising process and the Matriculate curriculum with my peers. One of the aspects of my approach to advising is the incorporation of personal experiences, drawing not only from my journey but also from the diverse experiences of my peers. I believe in providing students with real-life accounts of college life, sharing insights into what I wish I had known during the admissions process, and offering guidance on optimizing both the admissions process and the overall college experience. My commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of students extends beyond the technicalities of college admissions. I find immense joy in assisting students in realizing their full potential, fostering a supportive environment that goes beyond academics to encompass personal growth and fulfillment. I look forward to working with you and helping you navigate the exciting path that lies ahead in your academic journey. Let's embark on this adventure together!

Also Accepted to

Princeton University

Hi! My name is Nannette Beckley, and I’m super excited to work with you! I recently graduated from Princeton University in May of 2023 with a B.A. in the School of Public and International Affairs and earned a certificate (minor) in Global Health & Health Policy. As a student, I participated in several organizations, including Matriculate, a college access program. Through my work as an Advising Fellow for Matriculate, I gained several years of experience advising high-achieving, lower-income students on the college application and financial aid process. I am also a member of the AP Alumni Council through the College Board. I enjoy helping students form their college lists and reviewing students’ essays. Outside of CollegeAdvisor, I serve as a Research Associate at NORC at the University of Chicago in their health-adjacent departments.

I look forward to guiding you through the long, complicated, but fulfilling college admissions process!

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Amherst College

Greetings Friends! I am currently serving as the Executive Director for Admissions Enrollment Strategy at Kallege in addition to my role here at Formerly I was in highly selective college admissions at Haverford College as the Assistant Director of Admissions & Access and Diversity Initiatives as well as served as a Dean for college counseling at high schools in the greater Los Angeles and New York City Areas! I am so excited to work with you!

Also Accepted to

University of Florida

I hold a B.A from University of Florida in Classics ('14) and graduated from the Honors Program with Cum Laude. I hold my M.S in Educational Studies from Johns Hopkins University ('16). I am currently a Doctoral Candidate in Educational Technology in the Doctor of Education program, with an expected completion in 2023. After graduating from the University of Florida, I served as a Teach for America Corps Member in Jacksonville, Florida. After serving for two years, I became an Admissions Officer within the University of Florida Outreach and Recruitment team and served within this role from 2016 - 2021. I served as a program coordinator facilitating newly admitted student events, served on various committees, and worked with students and families from across the world. I currently work as an Academic & Career Advisor at the University of Florida within the Heavener School of Business, and in this capacity, I serve online students primary and oversee the orientation process. I love working with students from all types of backgrounds and consider myself a lifelong educator. For personal hobbies, I enjoy gaming through playing RTS and MOBA games such as Starcraft and League of Legends. I also enjoy traveling, and have been to England, Greece, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Colombia, and I hope to double the number of countries that I've traveled to within the next 2-4 years! I believe that College Admissions can be an incredibly crucial stage in a student's life in navigating a process that can sometimes be overwhelming, and my goal as a Former Admissions Officer with College Advisor is to help demystify and guide my students towards putting their best foot forward and achieving success throughout their application process. Ultimately, I hope to help my students gain acceptance into a multitude of universities and attend one which they find to be the best fit for their educational journey.

Also Accepted to

Cornell University

I hold my B.S. from Cornell University, where I studied Global and Public Health Sciences in the Division of Nutritional Sciences. I am currently pursuing my Master of Arts in Teaching degree in Biological Sciences from Miami University (Ohio) in partnership with Project Dragonfly's Global Field Program.

My career in education started with Cornell University's Upward Bound program as a college success counselor, where I spent 4 years advising first-generation students on college applications, personal statements, and financial aid. While there I developed and facilitated a two-week summer program designed to support seniors in completing the Common Application and their accompanying essays. Several graduates of the program went on to gain acceptance to highly selective schools, including Yale and Cornell, along with Ithaca College, NYU, and a variety of SUNY schools; many were also awarded scholarships to support the cost of tuition. I am very familiar with what it takes to compete at highly selective institutions.

For the past four years, I've served as K-8 Science Teacher in New York City. Currently, I work at Avenues: The World School, a highly rigorous, dual-immersion language international private school, as a Grade 6 Head Science Teacher and Curriculum Developer. I am deeply passionate about science education and environmental advocacy. Furthermore, I recently completed a writing course with author Haley Jakobson and am working towards my goal of reading 52 books this year! In my free time, you can find me hanging out in Central Park with my Goldendoodle, Chompy.

Also Accepted to

Johns Hopkins University

I am an alum of Johns Hopkins University. I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Molecular and Cellular Biology with Honors, a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, and a Visual Arts minor. As of now, I am working towards a doctorate in Industrial and Organizational Psychology, specifically focusing on DEI. As an emigrant from the Philippines, my family and I were left at a loss as to what the college application journey entailed. But thanks to the guidance and care from my mentor, I was able to clarify my ambitions and attain access to scholarships, a higher-level education, and many more opportunities. I will always be grateful for the opportunities I have now thanks to my mentor's support, which is why I continue to embody her love for supporting others on their journey and understand how impactful sharing my experiences and knowledge to others can uplift the trajectory of their lives. For the 4 years I have been at Hopkins, I had the opportunity to be a mentor for Matriculate and Johns Hopkins Underrepresented in Medical Professions (JUMP) and had the privilege of mentoring and tutoring high schoolers and pre-med college students from various backgrounds with a focus on underrepresented or disadvantaged populations with the goal of promoting educational equity. Since then, I have been working with CollegeAdvisor to reach a plethora of students from all walks of life. I have worked with students interested in a diverse array of majors and students unsure of who they want to be, and in both cases, I have made sure to support them throughout their journey to give them a space to grow and to ensure their voices are heard. Whether this be through their essays or supplementals, I work with my students to enable them to communicate to admission officers their potential to elevate their campus community and their drive for further education. I have also worked with students who come with more complicated backgrounds, whether they be recent immigrants to the US or have parents who are not US citizens and supporting them through their unique financial aid process. I aim to empower students through personalized support that can help them overcome potential barriers and stressors of the college admission process. This can be a limitation in finances, information, understanding, or accessibility. Each student and their family have unique backgrounds and I want to give them the tools and support they need to ensure their loved one can matriculate into a college that fits them financially, academically, and socially. This process is not easy, and it can come with many barriers, so I hope to help share resources that can alleviate the cost of college and provide opportunities to help support the trajectory of their future.

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